Our Story

 In 2003, I was first introduced to Attachment tools being applied to marriage.  It has had a profound impact on my life.  I remember sitting with my supervisor after Attachment-based marriage sessions and just marveling at the power of what took place in the room before us.  Couples were hugging.  Sometimes they were crying, and many marriages were being restored.  There were sessions where we felt like we were “walking on Holy Ground.”  We both reflected on the ways that Attachment Theory resonated with our understanding of God's love.  

These first moments with Attachment-based marriage therapy have led me to specialize in marital therapy for almost two decades.  I was inspired to write the book, “Face to Face: Seven Keys to a Secure Marriage” in order to make the truths of Scripture and Attachment widely available for married folks and those pondering marriage.  

I have personally applied the Attachment tools in my own marriage with April.  She is my Secure person, God's gift to me.  I have grown greatly in this kind of a marriage, and also received healing in wounded places.  We know that you are going to be blessed by reading and viewing the resources we have created for you here at Face to Face Living

We learn more each day about Attachment Science and the numerous ways that it can be applied to every aspect of marriage, family, and faith.  Check out our books, blog, and vlog for ideas that can help you.  

Jesse Gill, Psy.D.

About Dr. Jesse & April Gill


Dr. Jesse and April Gill love being married to each other.  And they love parenting their kids.  All the tools they share in Face to Face Living have been tested and used in their own family.  They have specifically created these tools to help build security and embrace moments of joy.

Jesse is a licensed psychologist; April also has a degree in psychology.  April and Jesse have been married for fifteen years, during which they have served as elders in their home church and also been co-leaders of the Young Adult Ministry there.  April mentors young women, and Jesse has a full time clinical practice.


Jesse is the author of “Face to Face: Seven Keys to a Secure Marriage”.  He speaks often and writes articles for the American Association of Christian Counselors.  Dr. Jesse also provides clergy care resourcing for local and regional church denominations, along with a couple of national Christian ministries.

Jesse likes taking his children to the local nature trails on Saturdays, and searching for the perfect barbecue with his guy friends. Jesse likes to play jazz albums from April's collection.

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April is an amateur gardener and an amazing baker. She enjoys telling jokes, reading poetry and winning at checkers. In the past 20 years, April has been a radio DJ. She has enjoyed teaching classes to Young Adults, married couples and single parents at her church. Since becoming a parent, she does more listening and plays "Mother-May-I?" April begins her day with a cup of coffee and some quiet prayer.